Jets Magazine

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Photo of the Research & Development team at JETS
From new to normal
We take many everyday products for granted, like the car, the phone – and the toilet. It’s easy to forget that these products, which we now consider essential, were not common just a hundred years ago. Over time, they’ve all undergone significant development, and now JETS is helping to shape the next generation of toilets.
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Jets image nytt ERP CRM group 1 0125 Trond in front web
Transforming business processes for global growth
The transition to new ERP and CRM systems was implemented simultaneously in a so-called big bang approach. Such a major change is a significant challenge for any organisation, but overall the transition has gone well, with core business processes running from day one.
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Olympic Notos. Picture from reference video by JETS
Jets Vacuum AS, from reference video
Maritime Sector
Olympic Notos: Energy-efficient CSOV supplied by JETS
We are proud to have delivered a complete sanitary system to Olympic Notos, a Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) for the Offshore Energy industry.
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Warsaw skyline
© Ghelamco
Construction and public
Raising standards for eco-friendly office buildings
In JETS we are gaining insight and participating in diverse projects worldwide, where we’re often impressed and inspired throughout the process. One company exemplifying sustainability and innovation is Ghelamco, which has so far integrated Jets® technology into their developments, including the VIBE office building located in Warsaw.
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Jets Vacuum AS HQ Hareid
Ingegjerd Eidsvik new VP Innovation and R&D in Jets Vacuum AS
Ingegjerd Eidsvik has been appointed as new VP Innovation and R&D at JETS. Innovation lies at the heart of JETS’ strategy, driving the company’s goal for growth, and as such, Ingegjerd will also assume the role of Deputy CEO of Jets Vacuum AS.
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Jets Image MOB Festival Adobe Stock 267284612
Festival and events
Tomorrowland Brasil: Breathtaking festival experience with JETS
Together with Janco Berkens from 4 Events and with support from our local distributor in Brazil, JETS proudly delivered sanitary technology to the exceptional Tomorrowland Brasil 2024.
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Jets Image MA Cruise ocean horizon sea small
Maritime Sector
Smart planning – smooth sailing
In a work environment full of stress and performance pressure, with high demands for efficiency, we should take advantage of every opportunity to be prepared. Fortunately, there are easily accessible solutions that can be of great help in case of an emergency. With smart planning and our specialised expertise, you have the opportunity to obtain customised onboard spare kits tailored to your installation.
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The Lowen unit at the Royal Cornwall Hospital
Construction and public
Vacuum technology - the solution for problematic hospital drainage systems
Renovating older, inefficient drainage systems can be both costly and time-consuming. This often leads to considerable disturbances such as noise and dust, and necessitates the closure of departments and rooms. Such disruptions are particularly problematic in hospitals, where continuous operation is essential. In the UK, this issue has become increasingly relevant over the last year.
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Developing wastewater system for the future
In stiff competition, Jets Vacuum AS, together with Minoko Design, has received funds from Design and Architecture Norway - DOGA to further develop the sustainable wastewater system of the future.
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